FUK wat u talkin bout!! ive been a cowboy fan all my life...win,lose or draw and after years uv disopointment while ridn str8 cutthroat 4 tha boys we finally getn sum sunshine and showin signs uv greatness az all uv us tru cowboys kno we r capable uv! i would b lyin 2 sit up here and say dat iz easy bein a cowboy fan 4 tha simple fact dat theres not anutha team on dis planet like us(except my lakers) dat u eitha luv us or hate us...there iz no n btween!! and bleev me wen i tell u...nobody shuts deez so kalled boy h8rs down like I do!! ive grown so acustom 2 it dat i know look 4ward 2 tha shit...daz y iz hard livin n houston and seein so many boy fans(sum dik rydaz!) kause im use 2 goin against tha grain and getn at deez nigaz but IZ OUR TYME NOW! and minnesota azz i9z grass!! 31-17 prediction!
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